Born to reproduce- Living on Purpose
Made to Multiply
We have been created and chosen by God to reproduce.
Matthew 4:19 And he said to them, follow me and I will make you fishers of men
Isaiah 43 I will give peoples in exchange for your life
John 12 23-26 Whoever will loose his life will find it
We are to die to ourselves and through that take up what matters to Jesus, the ministry of reconciliation.
To help others come to know the love and kindness of Jesus Christ and be fruitful and multiply
Ephesians 2:10 For we are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand so that we should walk in them
We were made for good works and these good works include following Jesus and caring about others like he did.
Living on purpose for Christ to honor Him will be dying to our selves, our old selves and our old desires but it will bring us to the true and full life. I have found personally the closer I walk with God the more truly alive I feel. The more joy I have, the more contentment I have, and the more peace I have
God provides peace in the highs and lows of life. He is the only one who can provid peace. We can't think our way into peace or psychology or massage or spa day our way into true peace, True peace comes rom God alone and we get it when we "in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make our requests to God, and he peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. True peace is from God.
When we like with a kingdom mindset we will still have troubles, Christ promises that and models it for us. But we cam still have abundant lice.
When I contrast this to me going my own way what I had was a lot of highs ad excitement that was followed by lows that were too long lasting just living for the weekend and for the high of attention from boys or the excitement of a new purse or outfit that I hoped would bring me some joy but really maybe lasted one hour. An award for accolades or good grades just didn't last. Good grades led me to more school which was just harder than the first school and lft me like was this really the right thing. But God! When I walk with him my life isn't necessarily more together or better looking although For me leaving certain big sin struggles Christ freed me from did clean up some big messes in my life but I still have life happen, we al do and just because we are Christians won't take this away but with God we can make it through. But he didn't just give us himself so we could make what is even more miraculous is that HE gave us himself so we could be a part of his bigger plan. We can be a part of His church, fellowship and ultimately being fruitful and multiplying. We get to take part of the excitement of seeing others lives transformed.
I think seeing someone else's life better off because you lived- or more well said Christ lived out his love in us- is the most fulling lasting joy. Someone thanking you for helping, loving, challenging, encouraging them. That is where we find some gusto of like Heck yeah this is freaking good
All authority in heaven and earth have been given to me. Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you, and behold I am with you always until the end of the age
Those were the last words spoken my Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. This lets us know that to Jesus, us going and telling others the Good News of the Gospel is important to his heart.
One great way to start is by praying. Praying for opportunities to share your faith or what Christ has done in your life with others. Telling others you go to church or that you are a Christian. Just because we are believers doesn't mean we have all the answers. I know something that has held me back from living out my faith is the concern of questions others might have for me. A great way to deal with questions you don't have an answer to is to say I dont know, but I can look into it and maybe we can get back together and find an answer together.